About Us
Thank you for visiting Global TSCM Group, Inc.
We are located in New York and specialize to supply the most advanced professional TSCM (Technical Surveillance Countermeasure) products to the professionals, Information Security Companies and Government agencies.
We’d like to introduce DDF2020 Kit to Amateur Radio Operators who interested in Doppler Direction Finder Instruments in this web site.
DDF2020 indicates the direction of RF signal and accompanies with GPS receiver to draw plots on Google EarthTM window to search the location of RF transmitter more conveniently. This instrument is designed with compact durable case with built-in antenna board to be comfortable using in any type of vehicle.
This kit is provided fully tested boards and preassembled case and 4 antennas to be assembled completely with a screw driver within 20 minutes. We hope that it can add more pleasure to the dilettante life of Ham who always has inquiry about new instruments and knowledge.
We appreciate your concerns with our products and wish the happiness of you and family.
Sincerely yours,
The Stealth Team